Television - Last Night's Walking Dead Shocker (spoiler alert)

Photo Courtesy of AMC/The Walking Dead 

 By now most of the world has seen, and is still disturbed by last night's "Walking Dead" mid-season Finale. If you don't know or don't want to. . .  just log out of every social media account you have.
Prepare Yourself ! 
I think by now we are all lost for words. If you watched the finale you know that in the episode's final scene, Carl has been bitten. I didn’t expect this, and according to the cries of outrage from Twitter fans, they didn’t either. According to, Carl has a completely different fate in the series.  So how can this be? or better yet why? My opinion... For shock value! Why else? We should all be used to how this show gets down during their finales.  At least one main character has to go, and usually we have our debates on who it will be by this time. If you thought like me you were probably worried for Jerry, and didn’t really care about Carl’s protection because you were sure that he would be just fine. Well we were ALL wrong. And this time I must say. . . it sucks to be wrong.

We can't expect writers for television to follow the storylines as written in a graphic novel like "The Walking Dead." It would be predictable. But this was way out of left field (even with all of the sneaky clues given through out the episode).  The rumor mill is saying Chandler Riggs "a.k.a" Carl Grimes, might be off to College soon and is focusing more on his music. So is this the end for Carl? What does this mean for Rick and the gang? I guess we will have to wait and see when season 8 returns in February. 
What did you think of the Mid-Season Finale?


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