Movies - Justice League

Photo Courtesy of DC Comics/ Warner Bros

So this past weekend I went to see the “highly anticipated” movie Justice League. Of course, I had my reservations about the film because of my experience with Batman vs. Superman. But I went with an open mind and I must say. . . It was better than ok

  What I don’t understand is why so many low reviews. (Ahem Marvel Snobs such as my dad) I mean yes, gathering the “entire” team might have taken up most of the film, and the comedic moments were just ok, but it was still entertaining with enough action to get you slightly hyped up. I think Wonder Woman kicked more ass in this film than her solo debut. Aquaman’s debut was ok. I need to see some underwater telepathic fish action. A lot of viewers complained about the 2-hour length and how it wasn’t enough time to dig deep into the story, but from what I’m hearing through the DC fans rumor mill, this is just the beginning with the so-far assembled team.

So...without giving anything away here are my highlights.

Favorite character: Superman (and not because he’s hot)
Honorable mention: Cyborg wink wink
Too much screen time: Lois Lane
Not enough screen time: Green Lantern and Shazam (kidding they are not in the movie)
What I liked: Besides a shirtless “cut like a God” Superman...
What I could have used less of: Lois Lane
What I think they need more of: More Justice League good guys, please. And we are so ready for Darkseid and the Legion of Doom minus Jesse Eisenberg.
Overall score out of 10: 6.5 It did not suck.
Final, Final Thoughts: They should have stuck to the storyline in the animated version.

What did you think about Justice League?


  1. I liked it but kept on thinking about Superman being dug up. He would have been a bit on the nose. Put me off a bit.


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